How do you stay engaged?

It feels like a chore.

I struggle to build and stick with daily habits.

I resent that every app wants me to track streaks – even my meditation app! Nothing disrupts my effort it be mindful like a pop up asking if I meditated offline yesterday.

And yet, I can’t figure out how to stay engaged without tracking.

I signed up for a 30 day yoga challenge and actually completed it! When it was over, a sense of pride washed over me, also relief. I was so glad that I didn’t have to find time to do yoga the next day.

I’m not one to beat myself up. A glass half full type, I reflect on the things that get in the way and identify ways to apply myself tomorrow.

But this seeming inability to habit my way through everyday makes me feel inadequate. Like I can’t “embrace the process”.

What does that even mean?

I asked ChatGPT: what does “embrace the process” mean?

And the GPT said: “Embrace the process” means fully committing to and finding value in the journey of growth, learning, or achievement, rather than just focusing on the end result. It encourages patience, persistence, and a mindset that sees challenges and setbacks as opportunities for improvement rather than obstacles.

It went on to tell me that as a SwimMastery Coach, open water swimmer, with decades of experience working in technology who had kids later in life – that this message could resonate deeply with me.

Yet here I am at war with the words.

I absolutely find value in the journey – I love the growth and learning of each achievement. “Patience and persistence” is the mantra I recite to my kids when they struggle to stick to finishing a puzzle or solving a problem.

But I feel like I struggle with embracing the process everyday. People who do the same thing everyday for years seem like a different breed of human to me.

Yet we both get by. We’re both still here. We’re both gifted this one life to find out what we’re capable of.

And I know I’m capable of more.

It occurred to me the other day, what if everything – literally EVERYTHING – is “the process”?

What if I stop over analyzing it and just strive to my best self in every moment?

If I have jelly beans on the couch instead exercising, I’m probably not being my best self. If I scroll social media instead of building personalized sets for my swimmers, I’m probably not being the best coach. If I check my phone while my husband is telling me about his day at work, I’m probably not being the best partner. If I interrupt my kids story to tell them what I think, I’m probably not being the best mom.

What if I am embracing the process? What if each choice I make in each moment is a reflection of the person I want to be?

Oh wait. It is.

I’m exploring creative ways to incent myself to do the things that make me feel like I’m being my best self in each moment.

And somewhere, deep down, I think that I too might like to keep a streak. I just want to do it myself. Rather than have an app remind me.

We explore ideas like this, and how to lead richer, fuller lives, in the water and on land in community. I’d love to see you in there.