Mind the gap

The space between

The other day something ordinary stopped me in my tracks. I observed the moment between thinking, “I want a snack” and actually walking over to the pantry.

I really saw it: the space where choice lives!

Of course, this space between intention and action always exists.

Sometimes it’s barely perceptible – the moment you feel an itch your hand moves to scratch it without a second thought.

Other times it stretches into a vast canyon. I intend to go for a swim, but the gap widens minute by minute until life’s demands rush to fill it.

This awareness is a double edged sword. There are times when examining every decision would paralyze us – like wavering on whether it’s time for bed or not. Automatic pilot serves us well here; our habits become our allies. Going to bed at a consistent time each night allows us to be our best self the next day.

But there are moments when stepping into this gap – this space between intention and action – becomes crucial for growth. Like a swimmer pausing to feel the water before the next stroke, this awareness allows us to move with greater purpose.

Here are some ways to navigate this space mindfully:

Pause for alignment: ask, is this action in line with my deeper goals?

Reflect on readiness: am I forcing action, or is it the right time?

Clarify the desired outcome: define success before rushing forward.

Trust the process: Sometimes a longer gap allows organic momentum to build.

Create space for observation: wait for a moment to feel the water before initiating the next stroke so that you can move yourself through the water more effectively.

Where are you running on autopilot? Where might you benefit from widening the gap between intention and action, creating a space for growth?

When do you need your habits to carry you through, and when do you need to pause and feel the water?

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