
It’s helpful to know that the laws of physics are always at work.

A body at rest stays at rest.

Whether it’s getting out of bed in the morning, washing dishes, doing laundry, or getting to the pool; making the first move is the hardest.

Once you’re in motion, you are more likely to stay in motion.

Make the first move!


What is your goal?

It’s important to consider. 

Is your goal to do a little better than last year? Or last month? Or yesterday? 

Do you have a plan?

If your goal is to eat bon bons on the couch, hurray!

But when you choose to get off the couch and out of the box… who is going to help you develop a plan? Who is going to support, guide, and encourage you? Who is going to keep you accountable on the path to progress?


A friend/accountability buddy?

How about a coach?

Yes, it’s an investment; in yourself. (This is your one and only life we’re talking about!)


Get out of the box!

“What box?” you ask…

That chair.

Your couch.

Get up from your table.

Out of your room/box.

Your house/box.

Your car/box.

The pool/box.

Your routine/box.

Shake it up!

Do something different. And look around you.

Do It Again

Don’t be afraid to do it again.

If you get an unexpected result in your experiment, do it again.

Perhaps you didn’t account for all of the variables. What variables are you keeping constant? And which are you testing?

Don’t mistake ‘doing it again’ with repetition.

If you need to, audit your experiment.

Look Around You

Not to compare and contrast. But to wonder and awe!

All of the bodies going hither and yon. Whether their ability is known or unknown.

Busy doing the best that they can with their accumulated knowledge, life experiences, and understanding.

Take a moment, or three — just look around you.

What do you see?

How far can you see?

How close can you see?

What if you couldn’t see?

Feel the air. Wherever you are.

Soak up this moment.

Can you feel yourself floating in space and time?

Write it Down

How many times have you had a bright idea in the shower? Or while swimming? 

The famous neurobiologist and author, Oliver Sacks, famously came to shore mid swim to “discharge his thoughts”. 

We have our best thoughts in the water. Why not write them down? They have waterproof notebooks, you know.

But that’s not really what it’s about for me. 

It is noting what I’m focusing on and how it feels.

Tuning into the sensations of the water on my body, how a shift in focus leads to a different sensation.

It’s powerful. 

With a point of focus, a sensation, and a written record to keep myself accountable, I have the makings of a process for continuous improvement.

Of course, I write down my good ideas too! 

Swimming in Place

Try it.

For each action, you have to create an equal and opposite reaction.

There are many lessons to be learned.

I cannot promise that it will improve your swimming.

However, it is an awesome experiment.