Just Day 3 – Freestyle Speed!! Masterclass


What’s the secret to swimming faster? 

Join us for an exciting, immersive master class learning SwimMastery’s principles and practices for increasing speed and endurance.




Swimmers commonly approach speed by churning the water using arms and legs, leaving them exhausted and at high risk of repetitive stress and shoulder injuries. SwimMastery will help you acquire stamina and speed through proper joint mechanics and employing the metrics that matter to maximize efficiency and minimize the chance of injury.

On Sunday, October 20, 2024 from 8:00am-2:00pm we’ll gather at the Medford High School Pool, 489 Winthrop Street, Medford, MA.

Full day clinic includes lunch, dryland rehearsals that you can practice anytime anywhere, as well as plenty of time in the water putting your skills into practice. You’ll walk away with practical tips that you can implement in your swimming right away!


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